Helping people across Norfolk get into work

Voluntary Norfolk’s Employment and Skills team have been helping people across the county get back into work. Support is available for anyone 18 or over living in Norfolk, regardless of how long they have been out of work.

Below is the story of one of the clients our team in West Norfolk helped recently.

“When I was enrolled, my life was chaotic; I was in significant debt and was unemployed. I needed support accessing services to manage my debt and required help; moving back to employment.

“The project was very useful in that I was able to discuss the issues I was experiencing in my life and receive coaching around this.

“One of the most useful aspects of the project was being signposted to the services available in my local area. Additionally, receiving financial, digital and employability coaching has helped me with organisational skills and taught me to focus on one thing at a time.

“The project has reduced my stress relating to money and helped me get on top of my debt. I’ve also had coaching around how to structure and organise emails.

“I would therefore recommend New Horizons to a friend as it really helped me get my life together and achieve positive outcomes in a short period.

“After completing the New Horizons Project I went on to complete courses via Learn My Way, enrolled onto part time GCSE Maths and English courses and began working a part time retail job; the latter of which has allowed me to start a Level 2 Retail Apprenticeship.”

To find out more about our Employment and Skills service, please click here