Volunteering into the Role – course information


We are offering a free course for anyone who is currently unemployed and looking for a volunteer position or volunteering already.

It is part of a programme that spans 4 weeks. The course itself, however, is delivered over 1 day in the first week, then 2 days each week following. You will spend 6 hours per day on the first day and 4 hours per day thereafter.

There is internal certification and a Level 1 qualification on completion. Portfolio work will be a key element of this course and the tutor will support learners in the completion of this.

Please contact Michelle Gaskin if interested

  • New dates for 2018– starting Monday 5th Feb (full day 9.30am-4.30pm), then Mon 12th & Tues 13th, Mon 19th & Tues 20th, Mon 26th & Tues 27th Feb (9.30am-1.30pm)

The course itself is divided into 2 parts:

Part 1

The first element of the course is an introduction to skills to help you access volunteering. It is designed for anyone who is currently looking for a volunteer role and wishes to develop their skills.  It is valuable to those wishing to progress into employment, self-employment or further study.

We will support you to:

  • Gain a better understanding of the transferable skills you have already
  • Improve your ability to demonstrate how these can be of benefit to a voluntary organisation
  • Enable you to present yourself positively at interview.

You will have completed the following on the first day

  • Identified your skills, qualities and strengths
  • Explored ways to develop your confidence
  • Improved your communication skills
  • Developed skills to help you be the best you can at interview

Part 2

The second part of the course will:

  • help learners understand the role of a volunteer
  • explore the activities of voluntary organisations
  • identify the skills required to be a successful volunteer
  • and understand the Regulatory frameworks that apply to a volunteer.

Learners will be required to complete 2 mandatory units in this part:

  1.  explore volunteering and the ways to become a volunteer
  2.  and personal standards and requirements for working in a volunteering role.

Learners will produce work in the classroom and their own time for inclusion in a portfolio, which will be submitted to the awarding body NCFE. Our tutor will support each learner to achieve successful outcomes.

The first unit will cover the following:

  • the commitment required and benefits of volunteering
  • the function of different volunteering organisations and how they use volunteers
  • the skills required to become a volunteer
  • how to improve and develop existing and new skills
  • the role of a volunteer and how to access volunteering.

The second unit will examine the importance of meeting personal standards, within volunteering organisations, which will include the following:

  • the need to recognise and understand rules and instructions with the organisation
  • dress code
  • behaviour
  • customer care
  • the importance of Equal Opportunities
  • awareness of discrimination
  • the importance of safety requirements when volunteering
  • how to demonstrate their skills and knowledge
  • being observed and recorded performing tasks within the volunteering role

Learners will keep a diary of learning experiences and review their performance each week with the tutor.

This course is completely free and refreshments will be provided for each day of the course.

We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting opportunity.