New Event: Helping VCSE Organisations Understand Data Protection

Our colleagues at the Norfolk & Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group are delivering a webinar with the Voluntary Norfolk communities team to help local charities, community groups and social enterprises understand data protection and its relevance to the Voluntary Sector:

Friday 23rd April 2pm – 3.30pm on Zoom

Sign up at Eventbrite

The workshop will focus on

  • Information governance as a key enabler for integrated care.
  • Resources to support you in meeting your requirements as a member of the wider health and social care community.
  • Staff awareness
  • Information sharing in a controlled and compliant manner, which also upholds the rights of individuals.

If you are a local charity, social enterprise or community group ask yourself:

  • Do you understand about data protection and what is required of your organisation?
  • Do you want to learn about how you can work with your colleagues in the NHS & Social Care and find out what are the barriers to you being able to work collaboratively?
  • Do you know about data protection and best practice?
  • Do you know about the Data Security Protection Toolkit and why it is a gateway to holding NHS contracts and grants?
  • Do you know where to locate all the information you need to complete the self-assessment and template documents to support your organisation with data protection?

Who is this event for

  • Anyone that wants to learn about Data Protection
  • All voluntary / charitable organisations that want to obtain grants from health & social care
  • Those that cover some form of compliance/ governance for your organisation