Helen Johnson Awards see Voluntary Norfolk celebrate volunteers

For the last two years we have celebrated the contribution particular volunteers have made through the Helen Johnson Awards. Voluntary Norfolk is as ever immensely thankful to each and every volunteer who helps strengthen their community across the county and beyond.

The award is named after former trustee and chair of the board, Helen Johnson, who spent 16 years supporting the charity. This year’s Helen Johnson awards coincided with Volunteers Week – a national awareness week in which the contribution of volunteers is celebrated.

Stuart Dark, Chairman of Norfolk County Council, presided over the ceremony. He said recognising the amazing contribution of volunteers was one of his priorities throughout his time in office. He continued by saying how “seeing the difference volunteers make to all our lives is so thoroughly inspiring and I am always in awe of their passion, energy and selflessness”.

Helen Johnson who handed out the awards, congratulated all the volunteers saying:

“Volunteering is so very special – it is about giving, you don’t ask for anything back, but you do get a lot back. You do make a difference and I can’t say it more strongly than that.”

The Helen Johnson Award Nominees

She then went on to thank each of the volunteers who had been shortlisted in attendance at the event:

“Jeanette, I was very impressed with your sharing of your skills – I wish I could do some of the thing you can do. You do such a lot for others.”

“Debbie – I was loved your story – you’ve been giving so much to other people. Sometimes you think you have no resources, but suddenly you do find them and it makes you better. You like everyone else have made a amazing difference to the lives of others.”

“David – I read your amazing CV. I thought how does this man do all these things? All volunteers have to overcome challenges but you’ve done so in a wonderful way.”

The winner of this year’s Helen Johnson award was David who gives up his time as a non-emergency patient transport volunteer, taking people to hospital appointments, thus freeing up important medical staff and resources.

David said:

“I enjoy doing what I do. This is for my colleagues – other drivers who do what I do and the volunteer coordinators like Ian, without whom I wouldn’t be able to do my role.”

Thank you to all our volunteers. If you’re interested in volunteering please click the link below:

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