Good Practice Event: Where Next for Volunteering?


Volunteer Recruitment and Management: What have we learnt from 2020 and where do we go in 2022?

The Voluntary Norfolk Communities Team, in a partnership with the Institute of Volunteering Research at UEA and the Community Action Norfolk Good Neighbours Network welcome any volunteer involving organisation in Norfolk to take part in this online workshop.

Dr Jurgen Grotz will be reflecting on research looking at volunteering at a national level.

We will then be focusing on volunteering in Norfolk. Attendees will be given the option of choosing from the following breakout groups:

  • How do we encourage older people and people who have been shielding to return to volunteering roles (with Dr. Linda Birt).
  • How to broaden your volunteer base and include volunteers from diverse backgrounds?
  • What have we learnt about recruiting and deploying volunteers during the Pandemic?

This event will take place on Tuesday 28 September 3-4:30pm. We aim to provide lots of opportunities to share ideas during this event and hope the topics will generate plenty of discussion!

Book your place