Celebrating Trustees’ Week

Alan Hopley in front of Voluntary Norfolk logo

Celebrating the trustees of our region’s charities this Trustees’ Week!

A message from Alan Hopley – CEO of Voluntary Norfolk:

“It may have slipped a lot of readers by, but earlier this month was Trustees’ Week. This is a time when the achievements of the almost 1million trustees in the UK are celebrated. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to the trustees of the myriad of charities across Norfolk and beyond for their hard work. They’ve been instrumental in leading their organisations through what have been changing and at times challenging, times.

“We have all seen the importance of the voluntary, charity and social enterprise sector in the last few years. Charities have helped with everything from the vaccine rollout to supporting communities struggling with the cost-of-living crisis. It is important to recognise the achievements of the trustees, whose work underpins the activities of every charity. I know their efforts too often go under the radar. I therefore want to put on paper my thanks to them for making the charity sector in Norfolk and across the UK so vibrant and successful.”

What is Trustees’ Week?

Trustees’ Week is a national initiative that seeks to make time for the VCSE sector to come together to celebrate the achievements of nearly 1 million trustees across the UK.

The theme this year is making a difference in changing times. As the external environment continues to change, the sector faces new challenges. The positive impact trustees make is invaluable to a sector that is now as important as ever to benefit society. Thank you for the time, commitment and effort each and every trustee brings to their charities to help them thrive.

To find out more about becoming a trustee or to see what opportunities there are currently available, please go to GetInvolved Norfolk.