Voluntary Norfolk’s trustees help manage and guide the charity. They are important in making sure the charity is meeting its charitable aims and strategic goals.

Voluntary Norfolk is currently seeks new trustees to strengthen the board. Read our prospectus about what being one of our trustees entails as well as the kind of skills, experience and values we’re looking for:


Meet the current Voluntary Norfolk trustees:

John Archibald in front of Voluntary Norfolk bannerJohn Archibald, Chair

John Archibald is now enjoying early retirement. Previously, he served for three years as Chief Strategy Officer for the Flagship Group, following a negotiated merger with Victory Housing Trust – his previous employer where he served as CEO for 13 years. Flagship owns 31,000 homes across East Anglia, employs circa 1,200 staff and has an annual turnover of £190m.

Having started a career in corporate finance with the HSBC bank, John joined the not for profit housing association sector in 1992. He has worked for four housing associations and a national charity and has 19 years experience as serving as a CEO and seven years as a company director.

David Walker, Vice Chair

David Walker is retired but still active in the voluntary sector. He is a Trustee of three local Charities, including Chair of one. After 30 years as a NHS Manager, he was appointed Chief Executive of Norwich Charitable Trusts, the historic endowed grant-making charities of the City of Norwich, a position he held for 13 years. He is Chair of the informal Norwich & District Funders’ Forum where the principal grant-makers in Norfolk meet regularly. He is also a School Governor of the All Angels’ Federation in Bowthorpe.

David had the honour of serving as the Sheriff of the City of Norwich in 2017/18.

From 1989 to 2003 David was Chief Executive and a Member of Norfolk Health Authority and its preceding Authorities, having previously managed two major acute hospitals between 1978 and 1989.  He was responsible for designing and implementing the comprehensive restructuring of health services and the establishment of the NHS Trusts in central Norfolk in the 1990s which led to the building of the new Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital.

Vivienne Clifford Jackson

Vivienne has lived in Norfolk since 1990. Born and educated in London to Masters Level, she has worked in a variety of nursing, research and nurse teaching roles at home and abroad. She lectured at City College Norwich & UEA particularly with mature students. She was particularly  proud of helping to improve access and opportunities for students including those with disability.

Vivienne has worked for Voluntary Norfolk and held Trustee and other roles in the voluntary sector, particularly in outreach to disadvantaged community groups. She was a Cabinet Member & Leader of SNC with a focus on gypsy & traveller families and young people. From 2009 -2013 she was a founding member NED at NCH&C, chaired REMCO, a member of Audit & Quality & Risk committees and led on Safeguarding, Infection Control & Patient Experience. She was also a link Director for the Governing Body.

Recently Vivienne has joined Cruse bereavement service as a volunteer, committee member and supervisor. In 2022 became a Trustee of Healthwatch Norfolk, the NHS and Social Care Critical Friend.

Rob Hetherington

Rob has over 40 years’ experience of working in the public sector. During this time he has been a Board Member for Shaping Norfolk’s Future, chaired the Norfolk Investing in Communities Board and the New Deal in the Communities programme in Norwich.

Prior to his retirement from the public sector Rob was District Manager for Jobcentre Plus across Norfolk. Rob is also a Chartered Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. He was awarded an MBE for services to JCP in Norfolk.

Rob moved to Norwich from the North East in 1983 has two daughters who live in Norfolk. He is a keen Norwich City season ticket holder, although Sunderland FC is his home town side.

Mark Hitchcock

Mark has 25 years’ experience in management and is currently Chief Executive of Norfolk Citizens Advice. He has worked in a number of countries and moved to Norfolk in 2008 where he has enjoyed undertaking a number of volunteer roles.

Jo Smithson

Jo is a qualified accountant. She has 25 years of experience in the NHS and 5 years in the commercial sector in various finance roles. After being Finance Director, she was promoted to Chief Executive of NHS Norwich Clinical Commissioning Group until its merger with other Norfolk CCGs in 2019. She is now Director of Finance and Support Services for Norfolk Wildlife Trust. She has lived in Norfolk for over forty years and uses her business skills to volunteer for local organisations.


Interested in becoming a Voluntary Norfolk Trustee?

If you would like an informal conversation to find out more, please contact our Chair, John Archibald, by emailing staffrecruitment@voluntarynorfolk.org.uk.